Ain’t no beauty queens in this locality

So, a couple of upcoming events.

Event the First

Aelliana Caylon and Daav yos’Phelium will be Guest Tweeting at BaenBooks all next week, starting on Monday morning, May 17, and going straight through until Friday night, May 21.  Unless I screw something up.  But!  That’s the plan.  I will try to post the day’s content in this space for those who are Tweetless.   For them as indulges, may I ask you to please boost the signal (reTweet?) if it amuses you to do so.  We’d like to get the pilots as wide an audience as possible.

Event the Second

Less exciting, yet still worthy of note — Sharon Lee will be speaking at the Fairfield Public Library in beautiful downtown Fairfield, Maine on Tuesday evening, May 18, starting at 7 p.m.  The local cable television company will be there to record.  I will be speaking on the topic “Sharon Lee and Books” and will therefore be addressing such Dark Topics as How an idea becomes a book, as well as How a manuscript becomes a book.  Do come by if you can!  If you can’t — how about some on-topic questions to get me warmed up?  What did you always want to know about how a book gets written and/or published that no one has ever told you?  C’mon, folks; I’m supposed to talk for half-an-hour.  My last gig, I was supposed to talk for 15 minutes and managed eight.  Obviously, I need all the help I can get!

Event the Third

And! Don’t forget, as I nearly did, that on Monday, May 17, the May issue of Geek Speak magazine will hit the web, featuring an interview with Sharon Lee and Steve Miller!

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